The complex contains many privileges including indoor swimming pool, gym, sauna, playground, small footba...
The complex contains many privileges, including a 4-storey commercial center that includes shops to meet ...
The complex is located in Ümraniye district at the intersection of E80 highway with Şile highway, 4 km fr...
The complex consists of 7 blocks containing 389 apartments and many privileges including sauna, gym, play...
The complex offers many privileges, including a shopping complex consisting of 96 shops, restaurants and ...
The project is guaranteed by the Turkish government and is being built in partnership with Emlak Konut, w...
The complex area contains many services like the local bazaar, several schools, gardens, and bus stops. I...
The complex has an investment location, which is 1.8 km from Yeni Mahalle metro station and less than 1 k...
The project consists of 8 horizontal buildings with a height of 6 to 9 floors, which makes it more earthq...