The complex is located in one of the most serviced areas, near 11 shopping malls, 3 hospitals, 7 universi...
In the area there are trade and exhibition complexes, including Dap Vadisi and Perpa, in addition to mall...
The complex is located next to Istanbul center within Kağıthane district, in a commercial-residential and...
The project is located in the Valley Istanbul area, one of the most beautiful natural areas in Istanbul t...
The project is located in Kağithane (European Istanbul) and bears a high investment value due to its live...
The complex consists of one building with a height of 15 floors, containing 195 apartments and many privi...
The project consists of seven buildings containing 960 offices, 120 shops, and 27 meeting rooms in an are...
It also includes different types of gardens, ponds and outdoor activities that cover 72% of the project a...